Career SkyWay can be played on any standards device including an iPhone, Android, PCs or Tablets, that were introduced in 2016 or later.

We recommend that you use Google Chrome.

You can stop your play at any point. When you return to Career SkyWay and login with the same Username, you will automatically be placed in the beginning of the game’s section that you left. To minimize the need to replay, we recommend you stop play at the beginning of a section.

The reason to select a character is because you want to spend time with them; it’s an indication of common interests. It is often not an indication that you are choosing that career.

Career Choices are selected from your ranked choices of interests (from Party Scene), fields and skills using the methodology from eParachute (online version of What Color Is Your Parachute). eParachute extracts the career choice information from the o*net (onetonline.org), a tool developed by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. eParachute has been used since 2012, What Color Is Your Parachute is the largest selling career guide of all time and was published in 1970, and the o*net was introduced in 1997 and is continually updated.

Before a career starts, we believe people’s options shouldn’t be limited. Providing choices that only focus on specific educational paths creates limitations. With people making choices and ranking preferences about their interests, skills and fields and being provided with 10 career choices, we fully expect that in most situations there will be some career choices that align with their chosen educational path. In the rare exceptions when Career Choices and educational paths don’t align, it is most valuable for people to get this information sooner so they can begin to make informed choices.

Look at all of the 10 choices. The difference in ranking between the choices may be minimal. In addition to the career description provided, examine each choice further by going to onetonline.org. Even if you don’t pursue a career choice, the added information can easily gain you valuable insight about your career preferences.

The founder, Alan Silberberg, has developed and delivered job search materials for 30+ years. The materials are consistent in principles with those used at corporate outplacement firms that have served millions of people.

The resume development instructions provides best practices and guidelines, but it emphasizes the overriding concern to write a resume highlighting the most relevant information for the career goal you are seeking. To achieve that outcome, it is acceptable to deviate from the precise resume layout/ format.

Adding a cover letter is not required but it can help your resume get noticed via the Applicant Tracking Systems. Customizing each letter to fit the job posting is a big part of how it gets noticed.

No, LinkedIn is by far, the most widely used social media platform used in job search. Globally it has over 260 million active users and 760 million overall users.

No, you can follow the guidelines but you have to write your own questions for each meeting.

No, the answers were created as samples, based on each characters’ background and jobs that they were pursuing. The reasons why each answer is correct is critical to understand.

Yes, when you complete the game there will be a Play Again option.

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